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“I appreciate that the information has been synthesized in a clear way. This body of work provides a balance of non-authoritative structure with kindness, self-permission, and luxuriating that feels like a necessary and exciting piece. It fills the gap of "what's been missing" in previous experiences of meditation for me.” - Malia

"Thank you Jamie for your work, for your journeys from the outside in with physical stepping stones that help me to anchor in and connect with the physicality of my being. It is truly a treasure for me." - Elisabeth, Teacher

Module 1: Content, Dates & fees

Module 1 and 2 can be taken independently for personal or professional enrichment. If you are interested in certification, see the Module 2-3 information HERE

Winter: Tuesdays, January 30-April 23, 2024
10-11:30 AM West Coast; 1-2:30 PM East Coast; 7-8:30 PM Europe
(no class March 12)

Fall: Tuesdays, September 10-December 3, 2024
10-11:30 AM West Coast; 1-2:30 PM East Coast; 7-8:30 PM Europe
(no class October 29)

The Embodied Mindfulness protocol is designed to generate an easily repeatable individual daily somatic sitting practice to cultivate greater degrees of ease, patience and focus while nurturing one’s well-being.

Therapists, coaches, yoga and movement teachers of all types, as well as people seeking more calm and ease in their lives, can benefit from this integrative approach to the body and its expression of lively stillness.

Module 1 is for anyone who would like to experience consistent support and various possibilities in creating a daily, body-oriented contemplative practice.

This module consists of twelve live weekly online classes, video recordings of all practices and theory, and two individual consultations. Over the course of the program, you will learn a developmental sequence of 24 body-based contemplative sitting practices. These somatically informed practices:

- Introduce basic anatomy touchstones for objective information and orientation to the landscape of the body

- Highlight a felt experience of one’s body from the inside out for subjective information

- Integrate the somatic technologies of breath, vocalization, self-contact, movement and stillness into a comprehensive template for bodily awareness and emotional well-being

In each 90 minute class session, you are:

Guided in two unique 20 minute practices

Engaged in interactive dialogue, reflective response, and theory

Practice recordings will be made available for your personal use to repeat and integrate the material during the week, with a daily 15-20” practice acting as the keystone for this module.

Two individual consultations focusing on practice and theory are included for more personalized attention.

Sliding Scale: $275-750 (according to economic means)

Fees include 18 hours of live online classes over 12 weeks, recordings of all class sessions with 24 practices, handouts, recommended readings, and 2 individual online consultations.

To register:
1) Send an email confirming Winter or Fall participation to somaticxpress@proton.me

2) And send sliding scale payment to any of these options:
- Wise HERE with payment to: naturebeingart@gmail.com (Preferred method for people overseas)

- Paypal HERE

- Check to Jamie McHugh, 181 Wagon Wheel Drive, Kinderhook, NY 12106

Jamie McHugh


How this online training is unique

Live, interactive sessions

Small group size for individual attention and relevant information

Each person's individual adaptations and responses are encouraged and valued

Each person receives two individual consults to fine tune practice

Primary emphasis is on discovering somatic stillness through breath, movement, self-contact and vocalization