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“If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing.” - Pygmy saying

We participate in our own evolution by cultivating body wisdom, nurturing our nature and exploring new ways of being.

"What we plant in the soil of contemplation we shall reap in the harvest of action." - Meister Eckhart

Somatic Expression®

Somatic Expression® is an integrative approach to the art and craft of

embodiment developed by Jamie McHugh over the past 40 years. In this

work, you resource your own body from the inside out with the five essential

somatic technologies nature has given us as human beings:






Somatic Expression combines these five objective technologies with

subjective personal expression, making this method applicable to healthcare,

education and the performing arts. The overall intention is to use these

technologies to re-wild the body, mend the mind and invite nature back into

our modern lives.


Somatic Expression is informed by traditions centered on body wisdom, most

notably Body-Mind Centering®, Continuum Movement®, and Tamalpa Life/Art

Process®, and numerous other influences.


People of all ages and backgrounds worldwide have experienced the

benefits of Somatic Expression in universities, clinics and studios.


View a video introduction to the Five Technologies


See Somatic Expression newsletters, classes and 1-on-1 sessions


Read, listen and view articles, interviews and presentations



7 Days of Beauty Project

Breathing Room Series

Embodied Activism for Renewal

Earth Matters: Ecosomatics in the Anthropocene


Contact Jamie McHugh

Somatic Expression® is a registered service mark of Jamie McHugh




Photos of Jamie: Gregory Bartning Dancing Over 50 Project and Dale Schweppe